
The last thing I said before going to bed last night was, "I'm so excited I get to sleep in tomorrow!" Famous last words huh? cause y'all know I was up at 6:30 anyway don't ya?! As soon as Scotty's alarm went off for hunting, which I normally can sleep through, I was wide awake. I was so annoyed and kept thinking of how badly I just wanted to sleep, I laid there about 30 minutes getting more and more annoyed before finally deciding I might as well just get up. I flung off the covered, swung my legs around putting my feet on the ground; I reached over and put on my glasses and turned my alarm off, that was set for 9am! I picked up my phone and there it was, the verse of the day, "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ... Boy did that change my attitude pretty quickly. Be thankful in all circumstances, I did not wanna get up but decided it was for a reason and I needed to be thankful instead of grumpy. Here it is, 9:42am and I've already accomplished so much this morning. I'm thankful that God's mercies are new to us every morning, that His word always has encouragement and wisdom and even when we are grumpy he forgives us and has grace for us. I'm thankful he woke me up early to take care of my responsibilities early today and not feel hurried or rushed for the remainder of the day. When I think I know what I need, He truly knows what I need. I thought I needed more sleep, he knew I needed more time in my day. Thank you Father for waking me up and teaching me this morning.


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